Dear Mister Independent Recruiter,

less than 1 minute read


I saw your resume on the web and am writing to see if you or anyone that you know who may be interested in the following position in $city. It is with a top $industry startup, located in a gorgeous location of $region, pays top dollar, great benefits, options and bonuses.

You will be working on top tier financial technology with a great team! If there is any interest, please email resume to $email_addr.

Best Regards,

Independent Recruiter

Oh. How…common. My response:

Dear Mister Independent Recruiter,

I manage software engineering departments. I also do technical management consulting. I also do independent recruiting. What I do NOT do is DBA. Which you’d have known if you’d even glanced at the resume you claim that you saw.

You are not an independent recruiter. You are little better than a spammer. Your email is the sort of ignorant and blind outreach which gives legitimate recruiters a bad name.

Please stop harvesting resumes and then sending emails based on little more than the simplest of keyword searches. Take just a moment to look over a resume before mailing someone. Qualify your damn candidates. Stop spamming tech professionals. Start recruiting them.