Announcing the Perl Companies project

1 minute read

A month or so ago Jeff Thalhammer and I were chatting Perl over burritos. We got to discussing how many companies were currently using Perl actively and wondered whether there were a list anywhere on the web. We checked. There wasn’t (well, not any comprehensive or modern ones).

Well, now there is. Announcing the Perl_Companies project.

The list was built using postings from the entire history of and on that front owes its existence to a prior project by brian d. foy.

There are currently two versions of the list: a CSV file for downloading and manipulation and a Markdown file for human readability. The original data whence the list was drawn is also available in the repo.

I believe this list is going to be incredibly useful to the Perl community. It can be used as a source for job hunts, sponsorship requests, market research for new products, or put to any number of other purposes. If nothing else, it’s fun to browse.

Admittedly, this list still has some problems (*cough* deduping *cough*). Sure, there’s room for improvement, but it’s still a damn sight better than the diddly squat we had before. Plus, thanks to the wonders of open source and Github, we can all collaborate to build upon this good start. So bring on those pull requests. Open some issues. Let’s make it better together.