Using Slack with IRCCloud

1 minute read

A while back I wrote a guide on how to add a Slack team to your ZNC IRC bouncer. Soon afterward, I switched from using ZNC to IRCCloud. I’m consistently impressed by the service and stability of IRCCloud, and the handoff between desktop and mobile clients is seamless. I love it.

The one thing I haven’t bothered to do since switching to IRCCloud is figure out how to add a Slack team to IRCCloud as a network. To be honest, it’s more that I haven’t needed to than I haven’t bothered to. I’m sick to death of the constant barrage of Slacks I’m asked to join, so I’ve stopped using them altogether. I just don’t have that much time in my day. However, if I do have to do the Slack thing then I’d rather it were in my IRCCloud client so at least I don’t end up with Yet Another Damn Chat Client open on my devices.

So here are the steps for adding a Slack team as a network on IRCCloud. It’s not complicated, but it’s worth documenting in the hopes of making someone’s life just a little easier as they try to manage joining their 25th Slack team.

  1. Have the Slack team administrator enable the IRC gateway
  2. Visit the Gateways settings on your account on that Slack team. The Gateways URL is https://$ Leave this tab open, as you’ll need the information from it.
  3. Log into your IRCCloud account.
  4. On IRCCloud, click Add a new network in the Account settings and info menu.
  5. Copy the Server value from your Slack team Gateways page and enter it into the Server field on the IRCCloud form.
  6. Verify that the Server port is set to 6667 and check the secure port box. Slack does not allow insecure connections, so don’t forget to check this little box.
  7. Pop open the Advanced options section of the IRCCloud form. In the Commands to run on connect field, enter the following:
where $USERNAME and $PASSWORD are the values from the associated fields from your Slack team Gateways page.</li> 

  * Enter the $PASSWORD value from the Slack team Gateways page (the same value you used in the previous step), in the _Server password_ field on the IRCCloud form.
  * Click _Join network_ on IRCCloud.</ol> 

That should do the trick.

