Farewell freelancing, Hello Juniper Networks!

1 minute read

Hello, World. Please say hello to the new Director of Open Source Strategy at Juniper Networks.

For the past few years I’ve freelanced as an open source strategy consultant, helping various companies understand, use, release, and contribute to free and open source software in ways that are as effective for the company as for the community. As of today, I’ll still be doing that, but solely for Juniper.

As you can imagine, the choice to give up freelancing for a Real Job™ was not a simple one. After speaking with the folks at Juniper though, while the decision wasn’t simple it was definitely easy. Juniper gets it. They understand how critical free and open source software is to their business and to the world, but almost as importantly they recognise that doing this right will take time and dedicated attention, to the community as much as to the technology.

I know everyone who makes an announcement like this says, “I’m excited!” so the statement has nearly lost its meaning and become a platitude, but…well, I’m honestly excited! I’m looking forward to working with Randy Bias, Megan Sugiyama, Bikash Koley, and the rest of the Juniper team, across the entire stack.

We’re going to release and contribute to a ton of excellent software, and join and support a lot of communities. It’s going to be great.

