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Open Source Leadership Succession Plan?

1 minute read

I present at a lot of FOSS conferences and therefore have the chance to meet and speak with a lot of FOSS luminaries. These are inspiring people who’ve been ...

Adding a Slack network to your znc IRC bouncer

2 minute read

Slack is taking the online world by storm. Most everyone I know in technology is a member of at least one Slack teams, and it’s not rare to find people who a...

OSCON Portland, 2015

4 minute read

Oh, my. My last OSCON trip report is only two posts back. It seems I’ve been rather a slacker on the blogging front. I’ll see what I can do to change that. I...

Badass: Making Teams Awesome

3 minute read

I read Kathy Sierra’s BADASS: Making Users Awesome back in February and haven’t been able to get it out of my mind since. The premise of the book rang true i...

OSCON 2014

1 minute read

Another year, another OSCON. Now that I’m approaching caught up, here’s a quick recap of that busy week.

Dear Mister Independent Recruiter,

less than 1 minute read

Hello. I saw your resume on the web and am writing to see if you or anyone that you know who may be interested in the following position in $city. It i...